In Georgia the production record must have the planned menu on the production record as well as the number of planned servings, crediting info for each item including the veg subgroups and all the other regular information which seem to be on the record--except for that planned menu and the veg supgroups. If there was a way to put the calendar menu on the production record that would satisfy that requirement without having to write it in by hand on the copy we save for our records. Also we need the veg subgroups to be included in the record, not just in the cycle menu parts of the program. If it isn't recorded on the production record it didn't happen. This is a dealbreaker to do business in Georgia by the way.
Have received documentation from Georgia state staff where this requirement is found. It is in the FNS Menu Planner Manual found here: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Required production record components are found on pages 132 and 133 in the manual. I've isolated those pages and am attaching them. There is an example of the prototype record with explanation of the parts. Both of the requested updates on this idea are on the prototype. Thanks!