After a student passes the POS (Point of Sale) & later comes back to return an item or inquiry about what they purchased, or if the cashier messed up a transaction , jots it down & wants to return later to fix.....all we can verify from the register is the student spent xxx amount of money on snacks & if they purchased a meal, what snacks they purchased in detail, we can not tell. The system only gives a grand total. Therefore, we have to leave the register, find a laptop to login into Etrition & pull up the patron's sales for the day & print that report to see his or her's exact purchases. If we were able to bypass that mess & perform this on the register, look under the transaction history, click the overall total of sale & see it itemized out. Ex: 3 chips, 1 ice cream, 1 cookie & 1 water verses seeing $6.75 under snacks without trying to guess what was bought for that dollar amount, it would be so very helpful. I love Etrition & give you all high marks....when asked what could be improved or helpful on your company's yearly survey for a # of years now I have added this comment, sadly no one has ever reached out. I found out, just today, about submitting my idea here on this format, so here I am with fingers crossed hoping someone will see it & make it happen. Thanks for all you do. :)