I am requesting that you add a current inventory on hand column and a on order column in the purchasing orders. This way one does not constantly have to go out of purchase orders and look up the item and whats on hand
On the Transfer History Report, please consider adding a grand total at the end of the report, for each Category, such as Commodities, Food, Supplies, etc, then a grand total of all underneath that. This would help us reconcile. Thank you
Barcodes only option without student number displayed
Our student ID number is also their student id number entered for meals, with a barcode-only option. This would allow us to keep the student Id number secure. Students will use another student ID number if they are to see it. I know a card option ...
Verify for Cause enabled on application during processing
It would be great if when we are processing applications there was a checkbox for verify for cause so we can check it right then if they have zero income or another red flag.
Add a Shaded Line to every other line item on Pick Tickets – To make easier to read
The Pick Tickets are very hard to read and follow, by adding Shade to every other line-item would make the reading of the Pick Tickets 100% easier. It would also 100% cut down on any mistakes.