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eTrition Ideas Portal


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use barcode to scan in sales items

If we could import barcodes for our a la carte items, that way we could scan them instead of having to click them on the screen.
Guest about 3 years ago in  0 In Discovery

Print 21-22 Income Forms

I need the option added to print the 21-22 income forms like we are able to do with Applications, Letters and CEP forms. when we are audited for our LCFF funding the names of students are pulled. I will then need to print the income form for the s...
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 In Discovery

In POS under a student's transaction to click on dollar amount of ALa Crate total & see it itemized.

After a student passes the POS (Point of Sale) & later comes back to return an item or inquiry about what they purchased, or if the cashier messed up a transaction , jots it down & wants to return later to fix.....all we can verify from th...
Guest over 3 years ago in  0 In Discovery

To add a running account balance on the EZschoolpay app.

Parents would benefit from seeing their account balance so they would know which transactions were deducted from their account and which transactions were paid cash for.
Guest over 2 years ago in  1 In Discovery

Digital signing and date on reports and ability to email reports for paperless solution

LBUSD nutrition services is looking into going paperless with our current end of day paperwork.1) Have signature and date embedded on each of these reports, much like we do with our letters of eligibility, verification, etc. eTrition uses the conf...
Luis Wariner over 3 years ago in  0 In Discovery

Vegetable Subgroup

It would be great if the vegetable subgroups that you put in the recipe tab reflect on the cycle menu instead of re-entering the information again on the cycle menu page.
Guest over 2 years ago in  1 In Discovery

Automatically transfer the amount of an ingredient to a recipe.

When creating a recipe, the amount of an ingredient as initially entered into the system, should transfer over.
Guest over 2 years ago in  0 In Discovery

Dedicated tab for notes regarding operations, events & employees

Essentially creating a "manager's log" to record notes regarding employees (such as when they were out sick or notes for evaluations), daily operations (reasons counts might be higher or lower, vendor supply problems, POS issues) or menu notes (te...
Guest about 3 years ago in  0 In Discovery

Allow Dashboard to Display Meal Sales for Meals other than Breakfast & Lunch (Snack, etc.)

Our school serves breakfast, lunch, AND a daily snack option. It would be helpful for us to see the sales totals for snack each day on the dashboard rather than having to pull a report for it every day.
Guest almost 4 years ago in  0 In Discovery

Recurring Payments

For the EZPay platform, if we add our child care options (preschool & afterschool), we would appreciate an recurring payment option so that parents are automatically charged each month for their tuition.
Guest almost 4 years ago in  0 In Discovery